Tartan Tug O' War Competition
Event Timing: January 12th
Event begins at 11:00 am
Teams should arrive by 10:30 am
Event Address: Marathon City Park 200 36th St. Ocean, Marathon, FL 33050
Contact Us: (305)743-6412 or FloridaKeysCelticFestival@gmail.com
Registration Details
Each team consists of 4 team members.
Team members must be 18 or older and must sign a release.
Events start at 11:00 am, awards presented in the afternoon.
Highland Games
2025 Games will be a Tug O’ War Competition only
Hammer Hurl
The Hammer Hurl Event features a hammer made from a metal ball weighing around 22 pounds for men and 16 pounds for women attached to a wooden pole or handle. Participants use the handle to whirl the hammer around their head and then throw it as far as they can.
Stone Toss
Competitors throw a large stone, around 20-26 pounds in weight as far as they can. The stone is thrown from a fixed standing position.
Tug of War
Tug of war - teams align themselves at the end of a rope. The length of the pull should be 12 ft. measured by two markers 6 ft from the center. When either mark passes the stick placed in the ground at the center point by the judge, the other side has won the pull. The teams change ends and the best out of three is the winner.
Sheaf Toss
Competitors throw a 16 lb. burlap sack filled with straw over a horizontal bar located above their heads. Each competitor is given three chances to clear the bar without touching it. As challengers make their attempts, the bar is raised incrementally until all, but one athlete is eliminated.
Entry Form
Each team consists of 4 team members.
Team members must be 18 or older and must sign a release.
Events start at 11:00 am, awards presented in the afternoon.